Request for Donations
Updated: April 2022
Dear Friend of NSPPS:
The Nevada State Prison in Carson City, Nevada opened in 1862 and is the third oldest prison west of the Mississippi. It was de-commissioned on May 18, 2012 after 150 years of continuous operation. The Nevada State Prison Preservation Society (NSPPS) was formed on November 1, 2012 with the goal of preserving and developing this important historical site for the education of this state’s citizens and visitors. After a successful tour season in 2021, many noticed a benefit to local tourism.
We achieved several major goals, especially obtaining the needed change of use permit–that allowed us to provide public access via tours to the historic site.
With the assistance of a Nevada Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation grant, we were able to repair part of the CellHouse roof, and refinish the floor in the original License Plate Factory in the Administration Building, which we are repurposing as our Visitor Center and Exhibit space.
Now, we are launching a fund raising effort and asking for your help. We have a long list of much needed projects, all designed to enhance the visitors’ experience.
We are seeking donations in any amount, small or large, from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Donations to NSPPS may be made in the following ways:
- Mail a personal check, money order, or bank check payable to:
NSPPS, P.O. Box 1991, Carson City Nevada 89701-1991 - Give your donation to any member of the NSPPS Board of Directors
- We are now able to receive your donations via PayPal, see button below.
Your donation will help us make this historically significant attraction available to residents and visitors alike. All donations are tax deductible. We will send a letter acknowledging your donation and providing you with our tax ID number.